Global INTAN-Invest

Global INTAN-Invest is a new database expanding INTAN-Invest and building on EUKLEMS & INTANProd by developing cross-country quarterly and annual measures of intangible assets for high-income and emerging economies.

Intangible Assets in the Global Economy: Better Data for Better Policy

In partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Luiss Business School established Global INTAN-Invest in 2024, making notable advancements in innovation and productivity analysis. Global INTAN-Invest stands out as the first database providing timely measures of investment in intangible assets, coherent with the National Accounts framework proposed by Corrado, Hulten, and Sichel (2005, 2009). A distinguishing feature of Global INTAN-Invest is that it expands the geographical coverage of intangible investment to emerging economies, starting with India.

The results of the project will be released annually via the World Intangible Investment Highlights, featuring key trends in intangible investment, as well as via the Global INTAN-Invest Database.

In addition, the project also includes technical capacity-building efforts aimed at empowering countries worldwide to generate this data independently.

Detailed information about the project can be found here:

WIPO website and WIPO-Luiss Partnership


The Global INTAN-Invest Database has been funded by the WIPO-Luiss Business School Partnership

“Intangible Assets in the Global Economy: Better Data for Better Policy“.

Any errors or omissions are entirely the responsibility of the Luiss Business School.